In The Community

In the Community

At Fields Analytics we understand that the prosperity of business and society are mutually  dependent. We believe that giving back to the community and engaging with the community is a key element to a successful future.

Fields Analytics and its staff contribute to the local community in many aspects from sponsorship, financial support, organising/supporting charitable work, Volunteer work to mentoring.

Take one of our team leaders David, he travels every few months with support of the company, local businesses and friends to provide food, water, toys, bedding and clothing to some of the most rural cut of areas in Northern Thailand. Most recently David, made a 10 hour treacherous drive with friends through the mountains away from civilisation to a village high in the mountain to provide support.

Villages such as these have no running water, no electric, no roads near and the nearest villages being over 50 miles away through mountain tracks.

Fields Analytics is also proud to sponsor Walja Engel’s independent racing team in the 400cc National Bike Races. Walja’s own race bike bares our distinct company logo on the lower fairings.